September 1, 2023

September 2023 Thought

Where did our summer go? The beautiful days seemed to fly right by. I pray that you had opportunities for rest and rejuvenation in the past weeks. A physical recharge is always needed and appreciated.

As the days move into fall, we reset once again. Life moves into a normalized routine. The ebb and flow of our days is more consistent and maybe more hectic. Let’s not allow the important things of life be set aside for the “tyranny of the urgent”. Our physical health is often jeopardized by the rush and hurry of life as we neglect the vital and insert the immediate.

The same is true for our spiritual health. While we know that time with God in prayer and His Word, as well as time with other followers of Jesus in worship and fellowship are important; these often get set to the side as the pressures of our daily life crowd in and make their demands.

Healthy believers need a healthy church AND a healthy church needs healthy believers. This should be our focus in this upcoming fall season. Plan to regularly dive into the Bible to see what God has said in regards to being healthy, you first and then your church.