April 1, 2023

April 2023 Thought

Celebrating the Resurrection. This is a focus for this month of April. We eagerly anticipate the upcoming Easter Sunday, when we will gather to rejoice that Jesus Is Risen…He Is Risen Indeed!

Truthfully, this is meant to be a regular focus for us as followers of Jesus. Each day we are reminded of our sinfulness and how we fall short of what God has for us. As we as a church at AMBC have been learning through this study of the Sermon on the Mount, we often do not live as those who are a part of God’s Kingdom. We have failed to obey Jesus' "own description of what he wanted his followers to be and to do”.

But along with the reminder of our failure, we are reminded of the hope that we also enjoy. We are not stuck in this mire of failure, but rather, as Jesus was raised from the dead after suffering for sin on our behalf, we too shall be raised to a new life through faith and trust in the finished work of Jesus. So each day we are reminded of the victory we have through Jesus! And through the power of His Spirit we are able to live each day as those who understand the full depth of meaning in the teaching that Jesus shared on that mountainside.

Let’s choose to live in such a way that shows others our daily celebration of the resurrection of Jesus and His once for all sacrifice that gives us a new and abundant life.

“You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” — 1 Corinthians 6:19b-20