One month is behind us in this new year. The challenge before us in 2023 is to deepen our relationship with our God through regular time in His Word and prayer. We have many in our church that are working through the Bible reading plan, the Bible Recap by Tara-Leigh Cobble. The tools needed for doing this are your Bible, the Bible reading plan and the daily commentary. This is an incredibly valuable practice - even if you haven’t started yet, it’s not too late - begin TODAY! And then, find someone else to discuss what you are learning through this daily effort.
On Sunday mornings at AMBC we continue to study the important teachings of Jesus found in the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7. (Messages can be found at the AMBC YouTube channel - follow the link at We have already seen the importance that Jesus is placing on living a life that is counter-cultural. As His followers we seek to take the lead from Jesus and not from this world as we live each and every day. These teachings are Jesus’ “own description of what He wanted His followers to be and to do”.We’ve been reminded that our conduct flows out of our character - what we do is based on who we are. May we continue to grow in our understanding of God and His Word and then live our lives in such a way that the influence of our day to day experience points people to God and the truth that He has given all humanity.