June 1, 2022

Thought for June 2022

The days are bright and warm outside, yet our world can seem so cold and dark. We live in an evil, sinful world. It is demonstrated time and time again. Sinful people doing sinful things.

What are we to do? I am reminded that we are people who do not live as those who have no hope. Our hope is in Jesus and the wonderful work of salvation that He extends to all. Jesus will one day “make all things new” (Revelation 21:1-6). So living in that hope, we choose to live wisely. Each day, meeting with the God that we love through Bible reading and prayer and then demonstrating the hope that He offers. Living not to simply please ourselves, but rather in service to others. Each day deciding to make wise choices over foolish ones.

Can I encourage you to read through the Book of Proverbs three times in these summer months? Once in June, once in July, and once in August. It’s not as hard as you might think - simply read one chapter of the book on the corresponding day. 31 chapters for 31 days…less than five minutes per day.

Together, let’s grow in wisdom and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and then share hope in our corner of the world. It is so desperately needed.