November 1, 2022

Thought for November 2022

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. — Psalm 100

This is the month where we celebrate thankfulness. Certainly appropriate, but are we limiting ourselves? Are we too cautious? Is one day or one month of our year enough to express all of our thanks to God? I would suggest it should be a regular, moment by moment response to our God throughout each and every day that we live. Have we not come to realize that He is GOOD, His love ENDURES FOREVER, and His faithfulness CONTINUES even to our generation? I know that I have!

So in these days may we not withhold our thanks and praise from Him! Let’s shout for joy and worship with gladness as we praise His name. May we come out of our passive, reserved shell with truly expressive words and actions in the days ahead that have been given to us by our great God.

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! — 2 Corinthians 9:15

October 1, 2022

Thought for October 2022

As a church we are just getting started in our Sunday morning study for the fall months in the book of 1 Peter.

This letter has been described as a “traveler’s guide for Christian pilgrims”. Written to believers that were scattered far from home, Peter reminds them that they are temporarily in the place they find themselves, strangers looking forward to a true homeland. During this time they were suffering - in fact, that key word “suffering" is used 16 times. Dr. Robert Gromacki says that Peter writes "to explain the relationship of trials to God’s purposes”.

This is a book that teaches them (and us) how to live, even when things are hard. Peter writes to give instruction as well as hope. This is what we need most in these days - an understanding on how to live and a hope that strengthens us and others!

As we seek to become better followers of Jesus, this could not be any more timely or important. I am praying that the combined study of 1 Peter on Sundays, along with the weekly devotionals highlighted by the book, “Not A Fan”, will aid us greatly in continually becoming the people that God desires us to be.

Let’s grow together!

September 1, 2022

Thought for September 2022

Fall is a welcomed time of year. The change of season is very evident all around us through the falling temperatures and the magnificent colors of the changing leaves on the nearby hills. As well, life seems to switch back to a normalcy that can potentially be much busier than our carefree days of summer.

As a church, we are called to gather together and live lives that are connected because of the saving grace of Jesus our Savior. Our love for each other is the best evidence of a chosen, changed, and set apart life. John 13:34-35 remind us that others are watching to see if we really are the followers of Jesus that we claim to be.

August 1, 2022

Thought for August 2022

Summer is here in all of its splendor!

As our schedule is maybe a little more relaxed and we spend some of our vacation time, let’s not forget to spend some of that time in reading God’s Word. Working through this series in Proverbs remember to read one chapter a day - the chapter number that corresponds with the day of the month. Join us in reading through the book of Proverbs in August and gaining wisdom!

In this series we are learning to “develop skills for living well in God’s world”. Wisdom is taking what we know and putting it into practice. We know that we are to love one another, so let’s continue to pray for each other and encourage each other. We know that we are to love God, so let’s continue to faithfully meet with Him each day and then meet together with our church family each Sunday. We know that we are to share the Good News with those around us, so let’s pray for opportunities to speak and serve.

May we be praying for God to do His good work among our church and community in the days ahead.

July 1, 2022

Thought for July 2022

We are halfway through 2022! Six months down and six months to go! Maybe that discourages you or maybe that encourages you (Angela would say that Christmas is almost here!) However you are feeling today remember, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 (NIV)

As we begin the second half of 2022 would you consider this another new starting point for you? It’s not just on New Year’s Day that we make that choice, but at the start of each month, each week, each day.

Studying the book of Proverbs this summer we will be reminded of the fresh opportunities to live wisely. We can regularly make the decision to “develop skills for living well in God’s world”. So in this last part of 2022, let’s choose well and seek wisdom from God. Let’s hold tightly to God and His Word. Let’s have a proper reverence and awe of Him (the “fear of the Lord”).

Together as a church we can learn, grow, and encourage one another in wisdom. There is much that God would do in our lives, church, and community if we choose well.

PS - Keep reading a chapter from Proverbs every day. It’s a great habit!

June 1, 2022

Thought for June 2022

The days are bright and warm outside, yet our world can seem so cold and dark. We live in an evil, sinful world. It is demonstrated time and time again. Sinful people doing sinful things.

What are we to do? I am reminded that we are people who do not live as those who have no hope. Our hope is in Jesus and the wonderful work of salvation that He extends to all. Jesus will one day “make all things new” (Revelation 21:1-6). So living in that hope, we choose to live wisely. Each day, meeting with the God that we love through Bible reading and prayer and then demonstrating the hope that He offers. Living not to simply please ourselves, but rather in service to others. Each day deciding to make wise choices over foolish ones.

Can I encourage you to read through the Book of Proverbs three times in these summer months? Once in June, once in July, and once in August. It’s not as hard as you might think - simply read one chapter of the book on the corresponding day. 31 chapters for 31 days…less than five minutes per day.

Together, let’s grow in wisdom and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and then share hope in our corner of the world. It is so desperately needed. 

May 2, 2022

Thought for May 2022

We have just come through the time of year when we celebrate the wonderful resurrection of our Savior, Jesus. His great love was demonstrated in that He gave His own life for ours. What we should have paid, the penalty for our sin, He willingly paid - on our behalf as our substitute!

In our church we continue through the book of Ephesians. As we moved into the second half of this personal letter from Paul to the church in Ephesus (and to us), we are being reminded that we are to “Walk Worthy Together”. Our personal conduct, this day-to-day life, should be one that is worthy of the God Who loves us and has saved us. We accomplish this by following this simple statement, “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children…” (Ephesians 5:1).

As a child of God, you and I need to choose to “mimic” or “follow” Jesus - how He lived and what He taught. These are the areas that Paul discusses:
- God is one (John 10:30 & John 17:11), therefore we walk in unity (Ephesians 4:1-16).
- God is pure (1 John 3:3), therefore we walk in purity (Ephesians 4:17-32).
- God is love (1 John 4:8), therefore we walk in love, not selfish but selfless (Ephesians 5:1-6).
- God is light (1 John 1:5), therefore we walk in light and not in darkness (Ephesians 5:7-14).
- God is truth (1 John 5:6), therefore we walk in wisdom, not as foolish or unwise people (Ephesians 5:15-6:9).
- God is the victor (1 John 5:4-5), therefore we walk in victory, not defeated as Satan would like us to live (Ephesians 6:10-24).

Keep reading through this book each week, one chapter each day. I am sure that the truth you find will be life-changing!

April 1, 2022

Thought for April 2022

April is upon us once again. Winter has passed and spring unfolds before our eyes. New life in nature is seen all around us and new life in the lives of people is what we pray for. God is at work and we thank Him for all that He is doing and will do!

As we gather each Sunday at church and study through the book of Ephesians we are learning much about how we should live. The page has been turned from what we are to believe to how we are to behave. We look at the life of Jesus Christ as our example.

Paul speaks of this in chapter 5 when he writes, “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Ephesians 5:1)

Easter is the season of remembering what Jesus did for us. He demonstrated His great love and gave Himself up for us. He rescued us from our sin and the penalty that we were obligated to pay. He suffered in our place, was buried in the tomb, and then rose again from the dead…victorious over death, sin, and the grave!

What an incredible thing to remember and celebrate. He is risen…He is risen indeed!

March 1, 2022

Thought for March 2022

As we are well aware, Easter is just around the corner. Hard to believe! With that fact in mind, we need to turn our attention in that direction.

Our focus, especially at this time of year, is that Jesus died for the sins of humanity - the problem we all have - and provided the solution through salvation - the greatest gift we could receive. Those of us who are Jesus followers have understood this wonderful news - the Gospel - the Good News - and accepted this free gift of salvation through Jesus. His death, burial, and resurrection are to be celebrated and embraced with great joy and gratefulness. Now our task is to share that truth with others who need the same solution and gift that will restore them to God.

This is where “Everyone Has One” comes in. Each and every one of us knows at least ONE person who is far from God. What will we do? Our desire for this Easter season is that we all would find our ONE - then pray for that individual, invest some time into their life, and then invite them to church - hopefully for Easter Sunday.

Each week be praying for your ONE - then start obeying God as He gives you opportunities to invest and ultimately invite them to church.

Praying we all willingly PRAY. INVEST. INVITE. REPEAT. May God be exalted and glorified in the months ahead.

February 1, 2022

Thought for February 2022

February is the month of celebrating love. Many expressions of love will be communicated throughout the coming days to those who are near and dear to us.

I would hope that we will also reflect on the love that God has for us. In our current message series we've looked at the many blessings that God has given out of His abundant love towards us - "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ." (Ephesians 1:3)

In the coming weeks we will also see that we are to love each other, as members of the Body of Christ. Paul is thankful to those Ephesians believers for their love for each other - "...ever since I heard about...your love for all God's people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you..." (Ephesians 1:15-16)

Remember, we are all encouraged to read the Book of Ephesians on a regular schedule as we work through this new series. One chapter a day (for about 2-3 minutes) is all you need to do: Monday, chapter 1; Tuesday, chapter 2; Wednesday, chapter 3; Thursday, chapter 4; Friday, chapter 5; Saturday, chapter 6.

Together, let's love God and love each other well in the days in which we live!

January 3, 2022

Thought for January 2022

John MacArthur shared the following story.

Several years ago the Los Angeles Times reported the story of an elderly man and wife
who were found dead in their apartment. Autopsies revealed that both had died of severe malnutrition,
although investigators found a total of $40,000 stored in paper bags in a closet.

He goes on to say, "the book of Ephesians is written to Christians who might be prone to treat their spiritual resources much like that miserly couple...they do not take advantage of the great storehouse of spiritual nourishment...that is at their disposal."

David Powlison, in his book Seeing With New Eyes, states, "You will not go wrong if you plunge into Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Master it. Be mastered by it. Work Ephesians into your thinking, your living, your prayers, and your conversation. The Bible is vast and deep, and human life is diverse and perplexing...Ephesians aims to teach you how to live."

So, as we begin a new year we will take a dive into the book of Ephesians during our Sunday Worship Service and Sunday School. I will preach through this great book during the service and then in the Sunday School time we will discuss questions from the Bible passage of the day.

In these days, starting a new year, we need to learn how to live. Join us on this journey as we seek God and the wonderful work that He wants to do and will do!