February is commonly known for love as we have the celebration of Valentine’s Day on the fourteenth of the month. Love is important and necessary. Human interaction and touch are vital for our existence as human beings. Without contact with others (family and friends), we live lives that can be empty and unfulfilled. Since life matters to God and He designed us to walk through this life with others, we dare not miss the importance of our inter-connected lives. We need other people in this life and we need God.
Once again the Greatest Commandment comes in to play here. In Mark 12:28-34 we read about the Pharisees questioning Jesus about which commandment was most important of all the 600+ commandments that were in place at that time. Jesus states that, “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength”. This was the great and first commandment. But Jesus went on to state that there was a second commandment like the first. And this was to “love your neighbor as yourself”. His conclusion, “there is no other commandment greater than these”.
As we reflect on this, we need to be reminded yet again that as followers of Jesus Christ we are to love God and love others. This is not an option, this is our mission. Together, let us honor the One Who has loved us and saved us by fulfilling this mission in our church and in our community.