October 1, 2021

October Thoughts

Francis Chan in his book, “Letters to the Church”, reminds us, “There is no greater honor on earth than to be part of God’s Church”.

We have been “called out” of our old life of sin to a new life of forgiveness and freedom (2 Corinthians 5:!7). We have been made one by the work of Jesus on the cross and therefore come together to love, worship, obey, and serve Him — the One Who has rescued us. We proclaim the one name, Jesus Christ, and the one message that can truly change a person’s life (1 Corinthians 15:1-11).

Jesus said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). His work is being done here, in and through us, as His body (1 Corinthians 12:27) and as His ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20). May God continue to build His church as, together, we hold out hope to those who need it.

September 1, 2021

September Thoughts

September has arrived and with it all the fresh new starts and familiar normal rhythms. New starts are experienced by students heading back to school, advancing to the next grade in their journey. Normal rhythms are encouraged as schedules that were relaxed through the summer months return to their usual pace.

New starts and normal rhythms come to our AMBC family as well. Fall is an opportunity to get moving again and see ministries re-start and serve the people of our church and community. We are looking forward to Sunday, September 12 at 9:45am as we have our “Kick Off Sunday”! Come that day and learn more about what is planned for the coming months.

Normal rhythms also are important in the life of our church. COVID and summer have maybe removed each of us from a “regular routine” of church attendance and involvement. Now is the time to jump back in to those familiar normal rhythms. We must recognize that, as believers, we were meant to live connected lives. The picture in Scripture is that of a body. Just like our physical body is made up of many parts that are fitted and working together, so too are we, as Christians, a part of the body of Christ. Paul says, “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we are all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body — whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free — and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many…Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27)

So as we come to this fall season, let’s jump back in, together, to those normal rhythms and maybe some new starts as well.

August 2, 2021

August Thoughts

As Summer rolls on into the month of August, we can hopefully continue to enjoy the wonderful weather and the beautiful surprises that have come our way through the spectacular thunderstorms. God’s incredible creation has been evident all around us and, once again, we can’t help but acknowledge the Creator of it all. He has made Himself known to us not only through what we see around us but also through His Word!

Because of this, we also continue rolling through our series “Summer in the Psalms”. I hope that you have enjoyed the overview of some of these fabulous poems/songs. We have been reminded of the fact that “this book was given to us by God as a reminder that worship is at the center of everything”

Now, more than ever, we need the sure reminders of truth that are found in the Scriptures. We have no other hope than hope in our God. We come to His Word expecting to hear, to learn, and to grow. We cannot and must not stay the same. May these “songs” that were written so long ago continue to ring in our ears, hearts and minds in the days ahead as reminders of truth that God has for us. 

July 1, 2021

July Thoughts

Can you believe it…summer is already here! This time of year brings us beautiful sunny weather and a chance to maybe take life at a little slower pace. Rest, we all can use some of that from time to time. But as we do that this coming summer, let’s not forget the important things that God puts in front of us.

We are called together as a body of believers to worship God and serve Him while loving and encouraging one another along the journey. Hebrews 10:23-25 (NIV) remind us of this:

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing,
but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

This summer, let’s take these words to heart. We must continue to do these things while enjoying some down-time for recharge and refreshing. God is still busy at work, even in the summer, let’s not miss out on all that He is doing - and then, let’s join in!

June 1, 2021

June Thoughts

As we enter this sixth month of the year we have much to be thankful for!

First, a good spirit is present in our church. This is evident as we meet together each Sunday, but also was seen in our recent Annual Meeting as we celebrated all that God has been doing in the past year, as we selected leadership positions for the year ahead, and as we approved a budget to guide us as we seek to fulfill the ministry that God has for us.

Next we are thankful for the decreasing COVID-19 cases and the relaxing of some of the guidelines. We are grateful for God’s protection to those in our church and community. In the past few weeks we have seen a steady increase in our attendance and ministry opportunities are now being added to our calendar.

Also, we are praising God for His work in His people here in the Candor area. We enjoyed a very special National Day of Prayer on May 6th as 38 brothers and sisters in Christ gathered at McNeil Pavilion to spend time praying together. We look forward to more opportunities like this in the coming months.

As we move into the coming summer months let’s submit ourselves to God and His leading in our personal lives and the life of this, His church. Will you pray with me for a continual sighting of new faces that join us for worship, for consistent, joyful giving, and for willing hearts to serve Him in the ministry opportunities we have?

On Sundays, we have recently looked at Spiritual Warfare and Prayer. Remember that the battle is ever-present around us and we are to be praying people - honest prayers about everything that are continually lifted to our Great God. We need Him and His forgiveness, love, guidance, and power each and every day! What a mighty God we serve!

May 3, 2021

May Thoughts

“April showers bring May flowers”, we’ve all heard the saying. As I write this there is the sound of steady, much needed rain. The brilliant colors that will come out in the coming month will be exciting to see. Isn’t it interesting that in our walk with Jesus we also see this parallel thought.

Some things need to happen first so that other things may follow. As we recently examined in our Sunday messages, VICTORY in the daily, spiritual battle we face doesn’t come unless we are STRONG, PUT ON the whole armor of God, and STAND FIRM. In the messages of coming weeks we will also discover that the underlying need for these things is PRAYER. I mentioned this quote in week 2, “Prayer is the very spiritual air that the soldier of Christ breathes. It is the all-pervasive strategy in which warfare is fought.”

We pray first and always - it enables us to be strong, put on the armor and stand firm - and the ultimate end is the glorious blooms of victory that God has promised.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, giving thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 (ESV)

April 1, 2021

Jesus' Last Week - Thursday - Preparation for the Passover

  A daily look at the last days of Jesus.

April Thoughts

Spring is here - April is here - Easter is here. What a wonderful time of the year!

We have entered a season that is full of newness. The days are thankfully longer and warmer. Sunshine and blue skies replace the dark and cloudy skies of winter. Trees that were empty now fill with new leaves, grass that has been  brown now changes to green, and plants that haven’t been seen for months now burst forth out of the ground. Newness surrounds us — hope springs anew!

In 1 Timothy 1:1 we read this statement - “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, by command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope.” Paul declares that his calling as an apostle (literally, “one sent on a mission”) was by the command of God and because of Jesus Christ being our hope!

This hope is evident in three ways: 1) in the past - our hope for salvation was purchased through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1-2) which we celebrate during the Easter season; 2) in the present - our hope to be daily changed by the indwelling work of the Spirit of Christ (Colossians 1:27); and 3) in the future - our hope to see Jesus when He comes again (Titus 2:13).

Through this past year where things have been so challenging we need to be reminded that our hope is not in this world but is in Jesus alone. Hope springs anew! Let’s not get distracted by all that is going on around us, but rather let’s keep our eyes looking up and looking ahead. We are not defeated, we are not hopeless, OUR HOPE REMAINS IN JESUS!

March 1, 2021

March Thoughts

Welcome to March. A time to perhaps turn a corner. An opportunity for a fresh start.

In the early Roman calendar March was actually the first month in their year since it brought the first day of spring and was therefore recognized as the month of new beginnings. Now, in this third month of our year, we also look for the “new” as we anticipate turning our clocks forward on March 14th so we can enjoy a little more daylight in our evenings (and not wake and go to sleep in the dark). We also get excited about the coming of spring on March 20th.  This is a month of promise and preparation.

Promise in that the cold, dark and quiet of winter will turn to increased warmth, abundant light and the sprouts of new growth. Promise that the white snow will melt and the green grass will grow. The barren trees that had long ago shed their colors will once again burst to life and provide a glorious covering of shade. 

It’s also preparation. Tasks that were set aside for the winter months are now picked back up again. Items that need repair from the harsh weather are added to the “to-do” list. Vacations are scheduled. Family gatherings are organized.

As is true in our human experience, so in our life with Jesus Christ, there is promise and preparation. This month brings the reminder of a promise. Jesus told his disciples on the way to Jerusalem that “the Son of Man will be…condemned…mocked and flogged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day” (Matthew 20:17-19 ESV). Jesus reminded them that things would be difficult (for Him and for them), but that He would be raised from the dead. The promises of life after death, sin defeated, forgiveness offered, and freedom paid for are all brought to the forefront of our minds during this month. This is good news! Jesus made these promises and He has proven Himself trustworthy. He did what He said He would do! Jesus showed us that He would do everything that was needed to rescue us from our sin and restore us to a right relationship with God.

In light of all this, it is also a time of preparation. As we move toward Easter - Resurrection Sunday - let’s not come to that day without having taken some time to reflect on this wonderful news. It is a time of solemn remembrance - there was great pain and sorrow - but the end result is glorious celebration! Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 15 of the need to reflect on the truth that has been “delivered to you as of first importance...that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4 ESV). Reflect on the fact that “if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins” (1 Corinthians 15:17 ESV).

The promise and the preparation are necessary. Think on these things in the coming month so when we join together on Resurrection Sunday we can celebrate fully as those who have been given the gift of new life in Jesus Christ!

February 1, 2021

February Thoughts

February is commonly known for love as we have the celebration of Valentine’s Day on the fourteenth of the month. Love is important and necessary. Human interaction and touch are vital for our existence as human beings. Without contact with others (family and friends), we live lives that can be empty and unfulfilled. Since life matters to God and He designed us to walk through this life with others, we dare not miss the importance of our inter-connected lives. We need other people in this life and we need God.

Once again the Greatest Commandment comes in to play here. In Mark 12:28-34 we read about the Pharisees questioning Jesus about which commandment was most important of all the 600+ commandments that were in place at that time. Jesus states that, “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength”. This was the great and first commandment. But Jesus went on to state that there was a second commandment like the first. And this was to “love your neighbor as yourself”. His conclusion, “there is no other commandment greater than these”.

As we reflect on this, we need to be reminded yet again that as followers of Jesus Christ we are to love God and love others. This is not an option, this is our mission. Together, let us honor the One Who has loved us and saved us by fulfilling this mission in our church and in our community.