I've been reading Genesis 6-8 and have been struck by this man called Noah. He was asked by God to do some very difficult things...things that I would consider almost impossible. Build an ark (how big? - it seems like a pretty large boat)...collect two of all the animals (how many different ones are there?)...climb into the ark with those animals and his family and go for a ride (how long will it be?). In all of the above, the questions are the ones that I would have asked. I could also add that famous statement that many in churches say, "(I) We've never done it this way before". But not Noah.
Noah was different. The Scriptures do not record any questions from the mouth of Noah. No ideas of how things might be done differently. No suggestions or other options. Scripture simply makes these statements regarding him: 1) "Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God" (Genesis 6:9) and 2) "Noah did everything just as God commanded him" (Genesis 6:22).
That is what God is calling us to be like. Righteous men and women, standing out in the generation in which we live, doing all that God commands us to do. May God help us to be that generation of people that will make a difference in the time in which we live.