October 31, 2007

Why Do I Do What I Do?

I spent the morning at one of the local Middle Schools for their Career Exploration Day. What a unique opportunity to speak to 6th through 8th graders about the possibility of them serving in a church ministry in their future years. I will admit that the three groups I spoke to were probably much smaller than some of the other careers offered, but still, I was able to speak with some of the students about the career/ministry of a pastor. Reflecting beforehand about what I might share with these students made me realize that at the core of what I do is the building and developing of relationships - my relationship with other people and then our relationship with God.

It's not often that we get a open door into the public schools, so it was a privilege to be invited and I am grateful.

October 27, 2007


Regular content is a good thing on a blog and I recognize that there hasn't been much here in the past month. It's amazing how the busyness of life can so drive us that we don't do other things that are just as important or good. Also, there is a feeling of what is there that I can share. Sometimes I just think that I have to be so profound in my blog thoughts that I end up being paralyzed and end up sharing nothing. So, there is my confession for this month...I'll try to be more consistent.

October 3, 2007

Sovereign One

There is the series of commercials that remind us that "life comes at you fast". And, oh boy, does it! What your status is right now could change in the next moment. The plans you have could be altered instantaneously. You've got to be prepared. You've got to know where you stand and where your feet will land. So what are you holding on to? For me, I will continue to choose to hold on to the hand and the plan of the Sovereign One. God is in control...He never sleeps...He is not surprised or caught off guard...He has my best interests and my good at the very heart of all He does and all that He allows. In my feeble, human thinking I may have my plans and opinions, but they are weak at best and are no match for the thoughts of my God. I will choose to submit to Him and allow Him to do His good work in my life. Read Psalm 50 for more.